Politics, Tally Sheet

Little new on the table

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00_icon_tallysheetBecause budget debate embroiled House members all week, the only bills that were introduced were two resolutions on Thursday to invite athletic teams to visit the floor. Look for substantive bills next week.

Senators proposed 31 measures, the most prominent of which were:

Retirement system. S. 527 (Lourie) calls for the state Retirement System Investment Commission to be a cotrustee of the state retirement system, not the state Budget and Control Board, with several provisions.

Textbooks. S. 528 (Setzler) seeks to initiate a textbook policy for state colleges to minimize costs.

Abortions. S. 531 (Bryant) would prohibit dismemberment abortions (whatever that is and we don’t want to know).

Teacher employment. S. 533 (Hayes) would change rules on teacher employment, dismissals and notifications, with many provisions.


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