Features, Quote of the week

QUOTE: Domestic terrorism

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00_icon_quote“The parishioners had Bibles. Dylann Roof had his gun. …

“Several months prior to the tragic events, Roof conceived his goal of increasing racial tensions and seeking retribution for perceived wrongs that he believed African-Americans have committed against white people. To carry out these twin goals of fanning racial flames and exacting revenge, Roof further decided to seek out and murder African-Americans because of their race. … Racially motivated violence such as this is the original domesticated terrorism.”

— U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch in announcing a 33-count indictment by a Columbia federal grand jury of accused Emanuel 9 church shooting suspect Dylann Roof. The federal indictment is a base for federal prosecutors to seek the death penalty for Roof in the June 17 shooting. More.


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