Features, Scorecard

Up for Charleston, down for McMaster

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Charleston. Hats off to the Holy City for a cool, new navy ship being named for it today by U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. More.

Templeton. Thanks to DHEC Director Catherine Templeton of Mount Pleasant for her service in state government. We didn’t always agree with what she was doing or her style, but she shows how important public service is. Now, we wait for the announcement that you’re running for Congress against Mark Sanford.

Thumbs down

McMaster. Lt. Gov.-elect Henry McMaster is in hot water over campaign donations from his 2010 gubernatorial campaign and needs to get the mess resolved before he is sworn in next week. He claims the donations are to retire campaign debt and should be treated differently, based on an earlier attorney general’s opinion. Just remember what happened to the last elected lieutenant governor — he went down in flames on campaign finance charges. More.

Cold. Just go away.


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