Andy Brack, Commentary

BRACK: McMaster needs to go to apology school

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McMaster in 2021. File photo.

By Andy Brack  |  S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster doesn’t need to go into comedy anytime soon.  He’s just not that funny.

What he needs to do is to go to apology school.

The governor, who often sounds like Foghorn Leghorn these days, had this to say to fellow Republicans last week at a state convention: “I look forward to the day that Democrats are so rare, we have to hunt them with dogs.” 

Umm. Not funny, governor.  Really not funny.  Even if you claim you’ve been saying it for years, it has never been funny.

Democrats responded with outrage about McMaster’s dog-whistle of a comment.

“Yesterday, Governor Henry McMaster threatened me, my family and thousands of other Anderson County residents who are Democrats when he said he looks forward to the day he can ‘hunt us with dogs,’” said Chris Salley, chairman of the Anderson County Democratic Party, in a statement.  

Charleston County Democratic Party Chairman Sam Skardon went further: “We cannot continue to normalize threats of political violence from the leadership of the Republican Party. If the governor does not retract and apologize, S.C. State Law Enforcement Division should investigate this threat.”

One man who lived through apartheid in South Africa recalled on Facebook how many people in that country were silent about its system of segregation: “Their silence spoke volumes. If you do not stand up against racism, if you remain silent, you are part of the problem.”

But maybe McMaster, a former attorney general who should know about keeping the peace more than inciting it, thought what he said was hilarious.  The governor of any state should know better, particularly in an America today more polarized by race, fear and hate than in years.  

What our governor said was mean, mean-spirited and filled with racial undertones of South Carolina’s ugly past in which white elites subjugated enslaved Africans and actually did hunt them when they escaped.  Or hanged them, such as when Charlestonians executed Denmark Vesey and 34 others for what was purported to be a planned slave uprising.  Or they just plain lynched them after the Civil War to reignite fear to fuel horrible decades of home-grown Jim Crow apartheid.

It’s not a history of which to be proud.  

But predictably, the spin-doctors and fixers played McMaster’s comment off as a light-hearted joke.  That’s what the embarrassment playbook says to do – just foist anything out on a lazy public that the person saying the trash didn’t really mean it.  

Here’s how the Washington Post reported on the remark: “In a statement Monday, a spokesman for McMaster said the governor had been saying the line at GOP conventions for years, adding that ‘everyday South Carolinians understand that it’s a joke.’”

The joke might have worked in the 1950s, which is where McMaster and his buddies seem to want us to return.  But rather than continuing to brush off the remark, the governor needs to realize he represents all South Carolinians, not just the ones who may look like him.  

To drive this point home:  Just imagine what would happen if a blue state governor started talking about crucifying pro-life activists.  And then said it was just a joke.  I bet McMaster, Fox News and most Republicans would squeal like stuck pigs.  The vitriol surely would be intergalactic.

So governor, let’s lay off the bad jokes, the over-the-top rhetoric and the increasingly hostile politics that continue to pull people apart.  There’s not going to be any Kumbaya moment in South Carolina anytime soon, but you can stop throwing gas on the fire.

Andy Brack, recognized in 2022 as the best columnist in South Carolina, is editor and publisher of Statehouse Report and the Charleston City Paper.  Have a comment?  Send to:



  1. GREAT piece!! I applaud that someone else recognizes that as a dog whistle! My brother and I went to college with the Gov…..he was a much different inidividual then. And if he thinks he can sign that abortion document and get voted back in he truly is clueless!!!! If women are now having our rights taken away I want the men who GET them pregnant to be penalized as well!! If we cannot have autonomy over our own bodies then men should not be able to get viagra! And men should have to have vasectomies if we have to go through unwanted pregnancies. And why are MEN making these laws? They have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be pregnant!
    And men with PD? Too bad so sad deal with it! Put on your big boy pants and keep ’em zipped!!
    And leave THE LGBTQ people ALONE!!!! We already have two gay senators that everyone KNOWS about from South Carolina so leave this community of people to just live their lives! After all gay people do not choose to be gay they just are….and as far as the don’t say gay? Guess what gay people have been in societies for hundreds of years living around heterosexuals for years and it didn’t make them straight!!! So being around LGBTQ will not MAKE. someone gay!!! It’s not a choice you small minded livin a box people! And you Christians? If we’re all made in God’s and are to love EVERYONE PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!! And oh yea who did Jesus love and hangout with in his time…the people society spat on….hmmmm….there’s something to actually THINK about!
    And if you think we’re not headed for authoritarianism with the Republican Party of today? Wake up!!
    Great article!!!

  2. Elizabeth Jones

    To Henri McMassah: BOW WOW. Come and get me!

  3. Dan Carter

    McMaster’s comments not only show extraordinary insensitivity to the history of South Carolina and the region, they reflect an underlying assumption that political opponents are “illegitimate” and should be eradicated. Traditionally, good civics argues that a healthy competition between competing political parties results in better government while one-party rule–unchecked by a strong opposition–leads to corruption, and a growing contempt for the “niceties” of small-d democratic rule.

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