Commentary, My Turn

MY TURN: Poor, misguided Andy Brack

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Editor’s Note:  Greenwood Index-Journal Executive Editor Richard Whiting last week penned the following “response” to columnist Andy Brack’s thoughts on legislators serving as nannies.  Republished with permission. 

By Richard Whiting  |  Andy, Andy, Andy. You poor, misguided Andy Brack.


As readers know, we try to share a variety of opinions on these pages. We do like sharing Andy Brack’s weekly column as it primarily relates to happenings in our great state, and we carry South Carolina-based columnists Kathleen Parker and Eugene Robinson because, well, because they’re South Carolina-based columnists. By the way, Robinson is back after a rather lengthy hiatus. Don’t know if it was a health issue, but he’s resuming his writing, much to the dismay of some readers.

However, back to poor Andy Brack and today’s column on the opposite page.

I called him “misguided” because he seems to have lost touch with the purpose of government. Government is, by design, established to improve our lives.

Andy should know there is no higher calling for lawmakers than protecting us. That is why lawmakers want to ban abortions. It is essential that mothers be made to give birth to the baby they helped create. And really, that should apply in all instances. No exceptions. Making exceptions is kind of hypocritical, isn’t it?

Granted, there are no laws or proposals from lawmakers that would then provide a mother help once that baby is born, but that’s not really the primary purpose of abortion bans. Once anyone is born, really, it’s a roll of the dice as to what kind of life they’ll have.

Now, once that baby reaches the age where certain interests and desires surface, this is where government can once again fulfill its role of protecting.

You see, if some proposed legislation makes its way through the House and Senate and gets signed by the governor, teenagers won’t be able to get birth control prescriptions or treatment for STDs without first getting permission from their parents or guardians.

Andy, you should realize the incredibly positive impact this legislation could have. Why, any teenager who even thinks about exploring those desires, those interests will immediately come to their senses and stop. No way they’ll take the chance of becoming pregnant, getting someone pregnant or getting an STD. You’re right about one thing, Andy. They won’t want their parents or guardians to know what they did. That, Andy, is a great method of birth control, a great way to stop the spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

However, if one or two teens do let those interests, those desires, those urges get the best of them, well, then they get what they deserve. Wait till Mom or Dad gets a hold of them. Well, maybe after the treatments are finished or the baby is born. But yeah, they’ll not repeat that mistake, will they?

One more thing, Andy. You should know that all these lawmakers you refer to as nannies not only have the best interests of South Carolinians at heart, they are the very best South Carolinians themselves. They legislate from experience because, without a doubt, not a one of those men has ever experienced those interests, those desires, those urges. They haven’t even listened to “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.” And most assuredly, not a one of them has ever uttered “Whew!” when a girlfriend said she missed her visit from Aunt Rose, but then Aunt Rose showed up. Just later than expected.

Whiting is executive editor of the Index-Journal. Have a comment? Send to:



  1. Sybil Ludington

    Hallelujah!!! A common sense article on the true purpose for government to exist. It is not meant to tell the people what they can or cannot say, force us to participate in any program our legislators refuse to participate in but force us all to provide them with something far more exclusive than they vote for all of us, deny us certain services, or products. Our government is supposed to ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, ensure freedom of speech, ownership and protection of property, and all the other constitutional freedoms and rights our government legislators are using for their own privilege while denying the general public of the same rights. Thank you Mr Whiting!!

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